The National Flag of St. Kitts and Nevis was adopted on September 19th, 1983. It was designed by Edrice Lewis in a national design competition. Green represents our fertile lands. Yellow represents our year-round sunshine. Black represents our African Heritage. Red represents our struggle from slavery through colonialism to independence. The white stars are symbols of hope and liberty.
The Shield
The center of the Coat of Arms is dominated by a shield. The shield has a lighter in full sail which is a traditional means of transportation. A red chevron is highlighted by two Poinciana flowers – the national flower. At the top of the shield on the dark blue background, is the head of a Carib Indian supported by the Fleur-de-lis and a red rose. This depicts the original Carib Indian inhabitants and the fleur de lis and rose signify the French and English influences who arrived in 1620’s.
A Helmet
A helmet topped with battlements with a flaming torch held up by the hands and arms of an African, European and a person of mixed decent. The torch signifies the struggle and quest for freedom by a people of diverse ethnic origins, but united in purpose.
Supporters of the shield are Pelicans, the national bird, with extended wings. By the side of the bird can be seen a sugar cane plant and a coconut tree which demonstrates the fertility of the land.
The Motto of the Federation “Country Above Self” is below the shield and can be said to be the foundation of everything else.
Pelecanus Occidentalis, Brown Pelican or as we locals say the “booby” is the national bird of our twin island paradise. It is usually spotted on our coastlines as this bird is a lover of water. When young, it is brown on the head, neck and upper torso of the body, while white below. As it matures, the body becomes dark brown while the head turns white. Boobies are usually spotted in small flocks while feeding. They nest in colonies along the coast in low trees and bushes. This bird is an elegant bird with an oversized bill, sinuous neck, and big, dark body. They feed by plunge-diving from high up, using the force of impact to stun small fish before scooping them up.
The National Flower of St. Kitts and Nevis is the Poinciana or Flamboyant, named after Monsieur de Poincy, the first French Governor of St. Kitts, who is said to have introduced it to the region. Its scientific name is Delonix Regia, and is said to have originated in Madagascar. The flamboyant is one of the most beautiful trees of the tropics, with its umbrella-shaped crown, fernlike compound deciduous leaves, and huge red and yellow clusters of scalloped flowers followed by long, black seedpods. The seedpods are locally referred to as “Shack-Shack”, because of the sound they tend to make when shook.
Oh Land of Beauty! Our country where peace abounds, Thy children stand free On the strength of will and love. With God in all our struggles, St. Kitts and Nevis be A Nation bound together, With a common destiny.
As stalwarts we stand For justice and liberty. With wisdom and truth We will serve and honour thee. No sword nor spear can conquer For God will sure defend. His blessings shall forever To posterity extend.
The National Anthem was written by the late Mr. Kenrick Georges.