Five Tips on Helping You Go Green in 2024
Steps Towards Living an Environmentally Friendly Life in 2024
January 24,2024
A new year is here!
Living more sustainably in 2024, should be the mission of everyone across the world including us here on the beautiful islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. This not only supports the Sustainable Island State Agenda but the Climate Action Agenda. It also rewards fantastic benefits for our environment and can help us save money, while at the same time, play an active role in the conservation of biodiversity.
Let’s look at several ways that can help us to make a smooth transition towards an eco-friendly future!
Here are five tips that can help our evolution towards a greener lifestyle in 2024.
1. Conversation of water during daily routines
We all use water in our daily activities, from taking a refreshing shower to doing the laundry.
Many of us, however, are unaware that it takes energy to distribute the water throughout our country. Not only that, but in St. Kitts and Nevis, we have been facing water shortage due to a decrease in rainfall throughout the region.
So, we must conserve energy and use water more efficiently by: –
taking shorter showers
turning off the tap while brushing our teeth
washing only full loads of laundry
This can be achieved by installing a conservative showerhead and faucet aerators to reduce water flow without sacrificing pressure. Consider also, the installation of high-efficiency toilets to reduce water usage. Catching rainwater is advised for other tasks such as washing vehicles and watering plants. These few changes help to reduce water usage.
2. Purchase Products made from Environmentally Friendly Materials
Change your mindset when shopping!
When shopping, try your utmost best to purchase goods that do not put a strain on the environment during the production stage or even when disposing. Shop for goods that are made from environmentally friendly and sustainably sourced materials. Become acquainted with and support brands that use eco-conscious materials. This may require a little research into brands and their environmental ethical practices and transparency. Supporting these products and brands encourages other stakeholders to further adapt to sustainable practices.
3. Grow Your Own Food
Growing one’s own food is an age-old practice in St. Kitts and Nevis!
However, the climate change issues that we are presently facing compels us to have a greater drive to introduce this practice as a part of our daily lives. Planting a small backyard organic garden with fruits, vegetables and herbs helps to reduce the carbon emission for transporting these goods.
4. Make Your Own Organic Compost (Reduce the use of chemical agents)
Set up a compost pit or bin that allows you to turn kitchen scraps and other biological waste into organic fertilizer for your outdoor garden. This helps to reduce waste and lessen the use of chemical agents that serve as nutrients for your plants. This practice is not only easy to implement since it is within your own space, but also, all that is needed is readily available. Composting also produces healthier crops and reduces the harmful chemicals that are being released into the environment from chemical fertilizers, for which, the outcome is a double win.
5. Implementing the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
We can reduce the amount of waste being sent to our landfill by applying the 3R’s!
We should try our best to avoid single-use products that are, without a doubt, harmful to the environment. Products such as clamshell Styrofoam containers and plastic cups. Where possible, encourage “second uses” from products that are harmful to the environment through donations, exchanges or resale.
Become an active participant in a Recycling Project or implement recycling into your daily routine.
There are 365 days within the year, which gives us 365 opportunities to become a part of the journey towards the Federation developing a Sustainable and Healthy Environment. We can apply these practices at our own pace no matter how small the act.
Yes, the task may be difficult at times, yet the rewards only ensure a better future for the generations to come.
Become an asset to the environment and our future.
Become “Greener” in 2024!
The post Five Tips on Helping You Go Green in 2024 first appeared on SKNIS.