CARIB-COAST PROGRAM Europe and the Caribbean partners in coastal risk prevention
This week the Caribbean Coastal Risk Prevention Network presented in Guadeloupe the
results of its studies and analyses of the last 4 years, in the presence of representatives from
Jamaica, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and Association of Caribbean States, partners of the program
Perfectly in line with the environmental issues that the Caribbean island territories are now
facing, the INTERREG CARIB-COAST program is a European project led by the Geological and
Mining Research Bureau of Guadeloupe, which has enabled the creation of a network of
experts for the prevention of coastal risks and adaptation to climate change.
It aims to share, build and disseminate approaches to monitoring, prevention of coastal risks
and adaptation to climate change.
This program responds to one of the main areas of concern of the Association of Caribbean
States: the preservation and defense of the Caribbean Sea, it encompasses the entire insular
Caribbean including the French West Indies of Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Martin and
relies on partners such as the Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System in Puerto Rico, the
Institute of Marine Affairs in Trinidad & Tobago and the MONA Institute of Geoinformatics at
the University of the West Indies in Jamaica
Among the existing tools, we note a digital platform for modeling marine submersions, which
will also serve as a data bank for the storm and impact monitoring network and the coastal
erosion monitoring and prevention network
You will have understood, the associated stakes concern above all the safety of the goods and
the populations, but also the tourist economy related to the maintenance of the beaches and
the natural inheritance of these environments rich in biodiversity, a beautiful example of
cooperation between the countries of the Caribbean and European French West Indies
For more information, photos or video-report, contact us :
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