The Human Resource Management Department on behalf of the Ministry of Sports and the Creative Economy wishes to invite suitably qualified persons to fill the position of Research and Communication Officer.
The chosen candidate will be responsible for facilitating the Department’s awareness of and access to all relevant sources of ICH information and knowledge. This officer is responsible for coordinating with stakeholders and staff to acquire, secure and backup relevant ICH data, information, and knowledge in the Department. This officer is the primary research agent within the Department responsible for primary and secondary research and the gathering of material to populate its archives and other platforms for the storage, preservation, and presentation of material.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Facilitate the development, implementation, and review of the ICH and Cultural and Creative Policies and relevant Strategic Plans.
Foster professional ties and collaborate with other researchers and relevant stakeholders at the community, national, regional, and international levels, to conduct ICH research and analyze data.
Collect various forms of data relevant to St. Kitts and Nevis Intangible Cultural Heritage and its safeguarding through ongoing and strategic and diverse methods of research and documentation to preserve original material.
Conduct comprehensive desk research of historical writings, historical records, legislation, studies, reports, policies, regulations, conventions, articles, and other literature relevant to ICH and provide quality summaries for broad consumption.
Conduct analysis of data. Interpret, discuss findings, draw conclusions, and make recommendations as necessary and or directed.
Secure relevant and accurate records of data and information obtained through research, registration, evaluation, etc.
Maintain a relevant and comprehensive database of ICH, and ICH stakeholders for the benefit of the Department; its programming; and other key stakeholders and end users.
Prepare various comprehensive accurate reports and other writings that may be easily consumed by various audiences.
Present research material to the Department and stakeholders as directed.
Perform various duties as directed and or as needed to successfully fulfill the functions and mandate of the Department.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience:
Associates Degree
At least two years of experience in research
Knowledge & Skills:
In addition to the requirements above, the post holder must have the following skills:
Research skills, knowledge and experience employing diverse research techniques, methods, tools and best practices.
Experience with monitoring and evaluation principles, techniques, mechanisms, and tools.
A respect for diverse people and their value as assets and partners in data and information generation and general development.
Strong verbal and written communication skills and ability to engage effectively with diverse groups and or individuals.
Strong computer skills and proficiency with basic computer programming such as Microsoft Office Suite.
Proficient in relevant data collection, processing, and storage software.
Self-motivated with a sense of responsibility to complete tasks in a timely manner and make significant progress without direct oversight or supervision.
Flexible and able to adjust to new challenges, circumstances, and requirements as they arise.
Detail-oriented critical thinker, with the ability to view and understand situations and challenges from diverse perspectives.
Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to establish and maintain good professional relationships with staff and diverse stakeholders.
Salary: K30-35 ($53,196-$63,492)
Applications must be accompanied by:
Letter of Application
Curriculum Vitae
Police Record
Official academic certificates, transcripts, and other relevant documents (certified copies)
Two (2) references with telephone and e-mail addresses
and should be addressed to:
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Sport and the Creative Economy
P.O. Box 186, Lot #16
Port Zante, Basseterre
St. Kitts
The deadline for receipt of applications is 13th November 2023.